On June 27, 2022, an Amtrak train carrying 275 people crashed into a dump truck in rural Missouri.

Call (816)-327-1236

for a Free Case Review if you or a loved one was injured in this accident.

Residents of the local community had previously raised concerns for years about the crossing where the accident took place, but their voices fell on deaf ears. This unfortunate tragedy left four people dead and 150 more hospitalized with minor to serious injuries.

Investigators have determined the accident occurred at an uncontrolled train crossing with no lights, bells or arms warning drivers about approaching trains, all of which have been safety recommendations encouraged by the National Transportation Safety Board since 1998.

Factors contributing to train derailments include:

Inadequate maintenance of tracks
Excessive speed
Debris on the railroad tracks
Collisions with other trains
Improperly maintained switches
Train crew error

Transport companies are required to use the highest degree of care and precautions to prevent injury to their passengers and the public at large. The events of June 27, 2022 suggest Amtrak neglected to uphold these safety standards, resulting in an avoidable tragedy.

If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered a loss of life on June 27, 2022 caused by Amtrak's negligence, you may qualify for potential damages. Act now to pursue the justice you deserve.

Call Today for a Free Case Review: (816)-327-1236